Cancel deal

Deals can be cancelled manually or automatically. Automatic cancellation occurs if one of the parties did not perform the required action during the timer. In this case the deal is cancelled, the money is returned to its owners and the offer becomes active again.

Manual cancellation of the deal is possible for each of the parties. The “Cancel” button appears at a certain step of the deal. After the deal is cancelled, it is reviewed by a moderator. If the parties have no complaints to each other, the parties are just returned their money (minus the service commission). If the parties have any complaints to each other or there was an absolute scam, the moderator distributes the money depending on the case.

If you want to cancel the deal, just click the “Cancel” button and explain the reason.

The deal will go to arbitration. If support needs to clarify details, it will contact each party. After a decision is made, each party will see the new status of the transaction in their account.

Last updated